Dan Medeiros

dan {at} dan-medeiros {dot} com


  • Bovary on Fire: A Tragedy in One Act

    THE CHARACTERS: REED, a man in his 30s with light brown hair and a long, open face. He wears glasses on occasion, mostly when he’s driving or reading small type. When he’s not using them they rest in the breast pocket of his shirt. He’s reading small type as the play opens, in particular a… Continue reading

  • Frank Xing

    This is a short story I wrote many years ago. In 2001, it was published in a tiny literary magazine specializing in unusual and strange fiction called “The Missing Fez,” which has apparently gone defunct — probably because it had a ludicrous name. I sent them the manuscript on a lark, and they sent me… Continue reading

  • Write-by-Numbers: “Golden Goose”

    I woke up one morning around 2:30 a.m. last month having dreamed about a man who suddenly developed the power to shit money. I got no further than that. I could sense on some subtle emotional level that a book about a man who shits money wasn’t the sort of idea that would lead to a rich… Continue reading

About Me

An English diarist and naval administrator. I served as administrator of the Royal Navy and Member of Parliament. I had no maritime experience, but I rose to be the Chief Secretary to the Admiralty under both King Charles II and King James II through patronage, diligence, and my talent for administration.
