Dan Medeiros

dan {at} dan-medeiros {dot} com

  • Frank Xing

    This is a short story I wrote many years ago. In 2001, it was published in a tiny literary magazine specializing in unusual and strange fiction called “The Missing Fez,” which has apparently gone defunct — probably because it had a ludicrous name. I sent them the manuscript on a lark, and they sent me… Continue reading

  • Write-by-Numbers: “Golden Goose”

    I woke up one morning around 2:30 a.m. last month having dreamed about a man who suddenly developed the power to shit money. I got no further than that. I could sense on some subtle emotional level that a book about a man who shits money wasn’t the sort of idea that would lead to a rich… Continue reading

  • Yeggs Over Easy

    The following is an alternate version of “Chapter 12.”  I submitted the original version to a literary magazine many years ago & it was rejected for being too oddball. The editor wrote me, saying he’d publish me if I took the germ of the idea — rug shampooer in a private eye story — & wrote… Continue reading

About Me

An English diarist and naval administrator. I served as administrator of the Royal Navy and Member of Parliament. I had no maritime experience, but I rose to be the Chief Secretary to the Admiralty under both King Charles II and King James II through patronage, diligence, and my talent for administration.
